Tuesday, 24 January 2012

A Purling update!

A while back I posted about my knitting style.  It made knitting fun again, the only thing missing was purl.

Until a few weeks ago, I continued to do my purls in my usual made up fashion, which was fine for long stretches of purling, but ribbing and seed stitch were horrible.

I am pleased to report I learned Eastern European purl stitch!
I'm not totally sure why it took me a while to learn it, possibly fear of learning something when I had only just managed to get my head round Eastern European increases and decreases.

For the curious amongst you, this is Eastern European knitting style, doing rib stitch.  Please note the way the right needle enters the stitch through the 'back loop' (which is really the front loop, just mounted differently), and the direction the yarn is wrapped around the needle.
I no longer mind doing ribbing.  For long stretches of purling I use  my old technique as it is quicker, but for short runs of purling I can honestly say this has changed my life!

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