Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Daddys Girl

The Gremlin is a very clingy child.  Clingy is such a harsh word, and a word I hate, but it gets the picture across.  She is like a limpet when she gets attached.

There is one time of day she adores.  Every weekend Jitterbug dances with her while I make dinner - dinner making goes far smoother without a limpet clinging onto your knees.  Every single time they do it, it breaks my heart, and how could it not.  My favourite moment is at 28ish seconds when she snuggles in, resting her head againsthis shoulder.  Gets me every time.  The song playing is The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down by The Band, album is Rock of Ages. 

You will have to excuse Bubba demanding biscuits - you'd think we never fed him! 

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