Monday, 20 February 2012


I have been MIA for the last due to one reason or another.  Mainly because life has been busy and hectic, but also because I'm not really working on anything!

Last week was half term here, and we spent the weekend before in Scotland - Rich Robinson was playing a small venue in Glasgow that Jitterbug had never been in, so we drove up for a long weekend.  When we got back, I just wasn't feeling myself, but then I haven't been for a while.  

I have lot's of trouble sleeping (being asleep by 3.30am is great for me, and Jitterbug and I both get very excited when I sleep before 2am.  Last night a combination of restless legs and insomnia meant I was awake until 5am), and there is always a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something really really bad is going to happen, but a quick trip to the doctors and I'm confident I'll start feeling better soon.

We didn't do much last week, the children and I played at home, visited some friends and had some friends over, and for once Bubba was in a pretty good mood all week!  It was back to business as usual today though, which I'm glad about as I have pulled a few (lots) muscles in my back and found it very hard to play yesterday - one child is a breeze, 2 children is challenging when you can't really move.  I really hope it's better by Sunday as I am driving to Unravel - not sure what we'll do if it's not, but there's no way I can drive for an hour with the pain I have at the moment.

Where knitting is concerned, I am finishing off Pepita for a friend - she has been so so ill with her pregnancy, so asked me to finish this for her.  How could I say no?  I am almost finished, just half a leg to go then ends to weave in.

I can't wait to get Pepita done so I can start on Peerie Flooers Mittens, because after I have finished them I will be knitting my Wild Apple Bohus hat kit!!!!!  I have swatched (yes, swatched!!) and read the pattern, read ravelry for things I wasn't sure about, I only need to buy the needles in 40cm now!

In other news, Jitterbug and I figured out how to get 4 double bedrooms in our house - we currently have 3 doubles and a box room, the box room being Gremlins room.  We have been thinking for months now how to get her a bigger room for when she is older (the 3rd double bedroom is our spare room, which we need for family when they visit), and we came up with an amazing plan that will also give us an ensuite without having to extend our house, meaning Jitterbug and I can do most of the work ourselves (partition walls, hanging doors, knocking down walls, installing shower, sink and toilet, ripping up floors etc etc) - the most expensive part of the project will be the buying of a new boiler (it is a long complicated explanation which I shall go into at some future date).  We are both so excited about it and can't wait to have the money to actually do it!

1 comment:

  1. Ouchy - hope your back is better before the weekend! Can't wait to hear more about your house plans - sounds good!



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