Friday, 27 January 2012

FO Friday

So, not technically an FO, but I did slave for many hours!

I spun this out of Jacob fleece.  My spinning needs work, as it is very rough and tight, but I got a useable amount of yarn at 176m of DK/Worsted weight!  Just need to figure out how to get some air into the yarn.  It is becoming more even though, which is the main thing.  My technique is also improving and I am starting to figure out my wheel and what it can do.  I'm going to watch the DVD I got with The Intentional Spinner, and continue with dedicating some time each week to practising.
In an effort to make some of my stash useable, I dyed some white sock and lace yarn I bought last year.  I am really happy with the colours, but do wish I had a microwave!

As usual I am joining in Tami for FO Friday, so have a look at some other FO Fridays if you have time.  I am also joining in Creative Friday, and think my first week of dying is a perfect time for it!


  1. Handspun definitely counts as an FO ;) It looks great too.

    I love your dyed yarn, especially the grey one, so gorgeous :)

  2. I'd count FLEECE >YARN as an FO. Heck, I'll count UNDYED > DYED as an FO. Absolutely love the dyed up skeins, especially that gorgeous soft neutral!

  3. Pretty, pretty yarn!! I predict that you will have some luscious projects coming up to share with us!!

  4. That most definitely counts as an FO. Great job on the spinning and dyeing!

  5. That hand-spun is gorgeous! And I absolutely love the colors of the yarn you dyed!

  6. Love the colours, they look fantastic!


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