Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Del Amitri: Hatful of Rain

I know.... believe me, I know.  Scottish people, I can hear the derision in your voice when you ask "Del Amitri?".

I love this album!  It's a best of and the vast majority of the songs are great for jumping around the kitchen while making dinner.  Rose enjoys running around like a fool when it's own, and every single song is a song I find myself singing along to.  Best song on the album has to be Roll To Me.

The album tails off towards the end, and ends on the low-point of Don't Come Home Too Soon, the great inspirational song they recorded for Scotlands attempt in the 1998 World Cup.  Regardless, this album is fantastic for singing along to, for dancing along to, and is also pretty good for in the car on a summers day.

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