Wednesday, 8 February 2012

WIP Wednesday {} Yarn Along

Ah, Swedish Fish...

My heart leaps every time I catch these in the corner of my eye.  I was convinced I would suffer from second mitten syndrome, but I love them so much I want to wear them now.
Glorious glorious colour.  I am using Crystal Palace Yarns Mini Mochi, and truth be told, I hate it.  I bought 3 balls, same dyelot, and yet the 2 I had to break apart to get the colours had completely different colour sequences.  The first ball had barely any red, second had loads.  The colour runs are random lengths, and also slightly different shades.  I was initially disappointed at having to breakup 2 balls, but now I don't really care.  The white is Drops Alpaca which I adore for colourwork.
Just the thumb to do!  I have even sewn in all the end thus far so as soon as I finish the thumb, it's 10 ends to sew in before they can be washed.  I'll finish these tonight!

Today I am reading Outlander book 3 - Voyager.  I adore this series, cannot put it down and it still surprises me.  I think I'll probably end up reading these back to back and then wait for the 8th to be released.  Parts of it nearly bring me to tears, the description of Culloden in the second book was particularly poignant.  Having been there, it really as if the ghosts of all the men lost hang over the field.  I love the descriptions of the Scottish Highlands, it is one of Jitterbugs and my most favourite places in the world.  Words that Jamie uses I find myself randomly saying - not mimicry, but words that I used to use before moving down south.  I would recommend this book series to most people who ask!

Today I am joining in With Tami and Ginny in their link parties.


  1. Your mittens are so bright & beautiful!

  2. Love the mitts! I bet you are happy to be nearly done and finally wearing them :)

  3. The mittens are just beautiful and how exciting to know you'll finish them tonight!
    Thank you for the book recommendation, I can always use those.
    Happy Yarn Along.

  4. They look fab :) I love the colours of mini mochi, but it can be seriously frustrating to work with!

  5. Those mittens are beautiful! I'm in awe of the complicated pattern. I want to read the Outlander series...I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it.

  6. Lovely, lovely mittens!! Sorry to hear it took so much work to get the colors to come out right, but I think the effort was worth it!!

  7. The mittens are absolutely gorgeous! It may have been a lot of work to get the colours right, but oh my, the end result was worth it!

  8. Oh--my--goodness! These are the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time. I adore them. I love Outlander too. I like to think I live near where the stone circle would be :)

  9. Sorry for the color dyeing troubles. Your mitts are wonderful though! Alpaca will keep your fingers toasty and soft.

  10. I love the mittens! What a joy they will be to wear!

  11. I love, love your mittens. I can see why you had to get on and finish the second one.

  12. SO cute! The yarn may be a pain but you're doing lovely work with it!

  13. I'm so impressed...what a lovely pattern and so much work I imagine. BUT they are worth it. Thanks for sharing.

  14. The mittens are gorgeous! I can't stop staring at those amazing colors. Even though the Mini Mochi sounds like a pain to use, the colors are so vivid.

  15. They are the AWESOMEST! I think I need to rearrange my queue to knit these right away.

  16. Love them! The colours are so bright and cheerful :)

  17. oooooh, love that pattern. the fish ROCK!


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