Saturday, 4 February 2012

Pretty Crafty Home {House Tour part 2}

Welcome to the second part of my house tour.  This covers the entire upstairs level of the house.

You can find the first part of the tour here, and like last week I'll highlight areas that need done, our plans, and whether we plan on doing it this year or if it will have to wait.

Staircase: I mentioned last week that I want to look into putting spindle on the right hand section there.  What you can't see is the top of the staircase where there is currently a glass brick wall.  I want to rip that down and put shelves in, with the shelves facing the stairs.  The hand rail needs stained/painted and some photos put up on the wall.  Not sure what colour we'll paint the walls in this area, but the stairs will be sanded back, painted/stained and a runner put up the middle.  Hopefully that will be done this year!
The bathroom need some life and colour put into it, much like every other room in the house.  This room won't be tackled this year, but when we do, the tiles will be getting taken off, floor tiles lifted (literally lifted, the grout is very sandy and has disappeared pretty much everywhere).  The walls beside the bath will be re-tiled, but the rest of the walls will be plastered and painted.  Floor will probably not be tiled, but we'll see. We want a new while suite, some shelves put up on the wall you can't see, radiator put back in place, new electric shower (the current one is broken so we use the shower hose that runs off the tap for a shower).  Not a hugely expensive job, but because the room is floor to ceiling in tiles it will mean a lot of man hours.  The window ledges also need replaced and the wooden frame round the side of the window alcoves removed.
Our bedroom is pretty big, but the door is in the middle of one wall, and 2 big windows on 2 other walls, which means there are only so many room layouts we can have.  We need to have a think about the layout, buy a new wardrobe as the current one was very kindly left by the previous owners (our previous house had built-in cupboards which we stored our clothes in), new blinds and curtains, carpet, and paint the room and really nice dark grey.  Probably the last room of the house to be done.
Bubbas room.... where to begin?  Again, an awkward layout.  Shelves put on the wall, bookcase, and shelving unit in the middle of the floor (hard to describe so I wont bother!), paint, carpet.  The cupboard needs clearing out, I may put a rail in depending on how deep it is, or might just put more shelves in, and paint the inside.
The only room we have really touched upstairs is Gremlins room - when I was pregnant the only nesting urge I had was to decorate her bedroom, and not knowing the sex of the baby we went for very bright bold colours.  As it turns out she only started sleeping in her room last month after more than 2 years sharing our bedroom.  To really finish this room we only need curtains and carpet.  
I'm not totally happy with the shelves, the top one is too high to really be of any use, so I may move that to another wall, but over all, her room is done until she is old enough to ask for her own 'style'.
Lastly, we have the spare room.  It currently acts as general random crap storage.  The built-in wardrobes go back about 80cm, so this summer we are going to empty the room, and rip them out.  This will then result in us having to re-plaster the ceiling, new plasterboard, probably re-plastering the walls, ripping the floor up as it obviously doesn't extend into the wardrobe and putting carpet down.  The room will probably be painted a cool blue as it will become out spare/craft/study room.  I've already chosen furniture from Ikea - desk, expedit shelves, 2 bookcases, CD towers, new bed (though that clearly isn't a priority since we have a bed), new chair, lamps and other small things.  We badly badly need a new curtain rail in here, and some blinds and new curtains.  The black CD drawers will probably be relocated, but to where I don't know, possibly the conservatory.  I really want a shelf high up to perch photos and other 'stuff' on but we'll see, Jitterbug has a few more guitars that need hung up, and we only have room for 2 or 3 more in the living room.

It feels like a lot of work needing done to our house, but thankfully it doesn't need to be done this year!  Once we have done the kitchen, conservatory, hallway and spare room, we'll see where we are and if there is anything else we can afford to do - a tin of paint doesn't cost much so even if it's just painting a room it's something towards our goal.  We will be doing it all from savings and monthly wages so some months will be leaner than others.


  1. I love your bathroom! The layout is so cute! Mine's just a blah, run-of-the-mill, standard bathroom. No character at all. :P

  2. Love the tour! It's daunting when there's so much to do isn't it? We renovated our whole house when we moved here, it took two and half years and was pretty tough going sometimes. It's worth now though... :)

    S x


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