Monday, 30 January 2012

Stash Diet Review: Sokkusu

Sokkusu first entered my radar some time last year.  When I started knitting again after my break, I searched out Socktopus as a place to buy nice yarns, only to find it had been replaced by Alice Yus own hand-dyed creations.  I seeked out some images on Ravelry, and I was smitten, then when I read how much research had gone into finding the perfect qualities of yarn base, and then finding someone to mill to the specification of Alices perfect sock base, I knew I had to try it.
When I saw Socktopus were going have a stall at last years Knit Nation, it was on my list of places to spend money.  I feel in love as soon as I laid my eyes on this colourway, Siffie.  As some of you may remember, last year I said I would no longer be buying single lone skeins of anything, so I did receive some flak for this purchase.  I had a great excuse though - this is a dyepot baby!
The colours are the perfect muted rainbow.  I could look at this all day and never bore of it.
One day, I will join her Knit Love Club.  I love this yarn that much!  The base is perfect, and the spin and ply seem tight enough to be able to withstand the wear of being socks, despite being 100% Merino.

I love this yarn, and when my stash has been reduced, I will be seeking out some other colours!  This may become socks, or it may be crocheted into a shawl, I'm not sure yet.  I need to stop looking at it first!

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