Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Derek & The Dominoes: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs

Music plays a big part in our lives.  As I said before, I obsessed about music at one point, while Jitterbug still does.  We play music on and off during the day, but every evening there is music playing while we eat dinner, so I thought I'd start blogging which CD we were listening to each night (I won't blog the repeats, but with 1200+ CDs (last count 2 years ago while moving, CDs have been purchased since!) I'll try and mix it up a bit!).

This evenings dinner was served to the sounds of Derek & The Dominoes.  For those that haven't heard this band, shame on you!  I can guarantee you will know at least one song off Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs.
This album is beautiful.  No other word for it.  It has the ability to calm me down when nothing else does, which I desperately needed this evening.  I have struggled for a long time to pick my favourite song on this album, and it is an impossible task.  The kids seem nonplussed by it, but to them if it's not loud it's not worth noticing!

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